Thursday, November 17, 2016

Veterans Voice Teams Up With Businesses To Launch "Project Hope"

Veterans Voice Of America, in association with Americare
International, and The Hope Center of Eugene, Oregon, is announcing a job training and opportunity program that dovetails with the Hope Center's Veterans Homeless program that has been assisting veterans with emergency shelter, and weekly hot meals as Veteran's Administration Hud-Vash Voucher and benefit counselors meet weekly at the Hope center in Eugene to take care of our military heroes, both homeless and any in need of assistance.

For further info call Steven Masone (541)-517-5224 e-mail                                                      

. Hope Center provides a weekly site at which Veterans can connect with services, along with a hot meal. The V.A. BHRRS outreach workers attend this ev. Hope Center provides a weekly site at which Veterans can connect with services, along with a hot meal. The V.A. BHRRS outreach workers attend this event weekly. (1161 Grant. Eugene. 541- 344-4673)ent weekly. (1161 Grant. Eugene. 541- 344-4673)

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