Sunday, January 26, 2025

Human Rights Group Calls For Oregon State Hospita Salem To Come Clean on Abuses and Negligence in Skye Baskin Death

Oregon Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) Calls for deeper dive into Oregon State Hospital's Involvement in death of Skye Baskin. Oregon’s mental health system may be responsible for a 27-year-old man’s death last month.
Skye Edward Baskin, a Black man who was, according to family members, likely homeless, had been arrested in Roseburg in March for wandering in and out of traffic on the freeway.The Executive Director of the Group, Steven Masone said, "It's like 'One Flew Over The Cukoos Nest' all over again." Masone referred to the Jack Nicholas Movie that was based on a true story at the old State Hospital, now a Museum. " Where there's  smoke, there is fire, and we want transparenncy on illegal forced therapies like ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy. and Psych Drugs meant to control and not treat"
Steven Masone was intrumental in the California Bill AB 1032 in 1976 that outlawed forced ECT when he was previously with CCHR and saw recent cases of patients not being fully informed of their rights and voluntarily agreed to the barbaric procedure. Thus he applied for the open Executive Director position for CCHR Opegon to get action taken involving many Civil Rights complaints atthe Salem  Hospital. Masone is also a member of the RFK Jr team and said " The Secretary of HHS, RFK Jr,  has the authority to shut down any Hospital in the nation." Masone also wants the Autopsy report on Skye Baskin"released ASAP!"

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Friday, January 3, 2025

Big Pharm and Covid Nazi Euegenisists Using Viper Venom in Vaccnations!


Big Pharm and Covid Nazi Euegenisists Using Viper Venom in Vacinations!

by steven masone

Trained as a Herpatologist (study of reptiles-poisonous snakes-vipers at Jungle Operations Training Center, Canal Zone, School of The Americas. All Vipers are Neuro-toxic affecting nerve sytems including  paralyisis and organ failure if no antivenom antidote given.  

               Believe it or not Here is the Evidence.

        Snake venom-related enzyme underlies COVID-19 mortality

     Published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, has identified a snake venom-related enzyme that may be the key cause of COVID-19 related mortality. Their findings have revealed a brand-new target for potential therapeutic treatments.
  • The role of lipid metabolism in COVID-19
  • Up to 80% of individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 are asymptomatic or develop mild to moderate symptoms. However, COVID-19 can be life-altering and ultimately fatal for the remaining 20%, with multiple organ failure often leading to mortality. Consequently, there is an urgent need to identify the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for severe COVID-19.
  • Recent studies have suggested that lipid metabolism plays a key role in determining an individual’s response to COVID-19 infection. There is evidence that SARS-CoV-2 modifies the levels of various lipids in host cells. This indicates that severe COVID-19 may be accompanied by phospholipases that cleave intact phospholipids from cellular membranes.
  • The team behind this study investigated this theory by using lipidomic methods to analyse blood samples. Samples were taken from individuals with no disease, mild COVID-19 and severe COVID-19 as well as deceased COVID-19 patients.
  • Identification of key enzyme
  • The analyses showed that deceased COVID-19 patients had the most significant changes to their lipid profile. In total, 181 unique molecules were identified in these patients, many of which were associated with phospholipid metabolism.
  • Further targeted lipidomics revealed that in comparison to survivors, deceased patients had elevated levels of a circulating, catalytically active enzyme called secreted phospholipase AGroup IIA (sPLA2-IIA). Their sPLA2-IIA levels were 9.6-fold higher than in mild patients and 5-fold higher than in severe patients. In addition, high sPLA2-IIA levels were significantly associated with multiple organ dysfunction. This implies that sPLA2-IIA may drive the organ failure seen in fatal COVID-19 cases.
  • The study further demonstrated the importance of sPLA2-IIA through the use of a machine learning method. Out of 80 clinical indices, the algorithm identified sPLA2-IIA level as the key feature that differentiated survivors from non-survivors. This highlights a potential method for identifying COVID-19 patients at high risk of mortality.
  • Here is ingredients fom current flu shots and it is in Covid Vaccinations as a Pastor friend demanded to see and by law theyhad to gave him a copy. *See 4th ingredient fron 1st.

  • Eugenics is the scientifically inaccurate theory that humans can be improved through selective breeding of populations.
  • Eugenicists believed in a prejudiced and incorrect understanding of Mendelian genetics that claimed abstract human qualities (e.g., intelligence and social behaviors) were inherited in a simple fashion. Similarly, they believed complex diseases and disorders were solely the outcome of genetic inheritance.


  • The implementation of eugenics practices has caused widespread harm, particularly to populations that are being marginalized. 
  • Eugenics is not a fringe movement. Starting in the late 1800s, leaders and intellectuals worldwide perpetuated eugenic beliefs and policies based on common racist and xenophobic attitudes. Many of these beliefs and policies still exist in the United States.
  • The genomics communities continue to work to scientifically debunk eugenic myths and combat modern-day manifestations of eugenics and scientific racism, particularly as they affect people of color, people with disabilities and LGBTQ+ individuals.