Thursday, February 13, 2025

VA per diem employees must be transparent and release the whereabouts of 32 veterans evicted from hotel in Portland because of black mold and possible abuse of government funds!

Freedom News Service
For Immediate Release

For further info
Steve Masone (541) 285-8564

Friday, February 7, 2025



 2426 NW Vaughn St, Portland, OR 97210
  Phone: (503) 242-2400 

On The Road Again Review:   SILVER CLOUD HOTEL - Portland Oregon

By Steven Masone
  • Photo of Steven M.
    Steven M.
    Sacramento, CA
    Feb 6, 2025

    After being in the Hospitality business for 30 years, I have found that first
    impressions set the customer's expectations and has the greatest effect
    on their decisions to be a repeat customer. "You have only have one
    chance to make a first impression!"

  • My first impression was when I called to confirm my reservation.
    No AI or third party live or software annoucements etc... that are cold
    and impersonal messages...but a personal greeting by General Manager
    Eric Peluschenko. I was impressed.

  • When I arrived, Athena at the front Desk was sincerely friendly and
    even helped me personally with my baggage to my very nice 2nd floor
    King room. Checking out, on front desk was Barbara, who was as sincerely helpful and competent as Athena.


      I ordered a  snack at their great trendy kitchen & Bar....where Grace,       the  Bartender  nd great facilitator of keeping her customers in ingaing   conversations, skilled in knowing how to "work entertaining   conversations of customers, it felt like a re-run of a combo "FRIENDS-   SEiNFIELD-CHEERS EPISODE while muti- tasking her orders not     mIssing A beat! My Garlic fries were the Bomb!

  •                                          Eggs Benedict
     For brekfast, my server, Trey, was right there with his contemporaries
    with frienly banter and professional service. He recommded the Homade
    "Spam & Whisky Bacon Signature breakfast, with homemade O'brian
    potatoes, two eggs to order, and choice of toast... and I chose the marbles rye toast...excellant through and through! We talked about Spam festivals as one in Southern Oregon in Shady Cove was very popular, but not sure if it has resurrected since pandemic. The Head Chef...Troy Sasazzmann created the delicious homeade Spam that I would bet on to win first place in any 'Spam Festival Competiton Contest!"
    Safe part of Portland, Safe underground parking. 

  •  "When you see every employee loves their job, you

  •   know they have great management, and production is

  •  the Basis of Morale! High Morale = High Customer

  •  Satisfaction. ~SM


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Portland vets face return to homelessness as affordable housing program Gets Scammed by phony Non-Profit

                                       FREEDOM NEWS SERVICE
                       Press Release          

  For Immediate Release: 2/6/2025

The new Executive Director of Oregon Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) and American Legion Chaplain Post 3 in Eugene, has initiated an Investigation into 32 Veterans being evicted from a Portland Hotel shut down for Black Mold. The Non-profit ‘Reveille Foundation’, allegedly never delivered the substance abuse treatment and meals for these veterans, yet the per diem from VA for 32 Vets is somewhere around $4500 a day. Steven Masone is also an American Legion Chaplain and Service officer who partnered with The Hope Center in Eugene OR, and The VA Hud/VASH Pgm, helped hundreds of homeless Vets into permanent housing. “This is outrageous! said Masone, "I have contacted the VA Inspector General, and am reaching out to Congressional contacts. Masone a Co-founder with Pastor James Rabe of the Hope Center started an Emergency Shelter for Veterans in Eugene, in Partnership with VA HUD-VASH Program. Masone has reported he spoke with a Mr. “Spitzer the Supervisor who approved Per Diem payments at the Vancouver VA Campus to inform them his Hope Center Homeless Veteran Program could house ten vets immediately in a remodeled home with on premisis substance abuse Program Director, but was told by Spitzer the VA has the veterans somewhere else but would not say where. Masone further reported that “The Vets should be told of all offers as I am sure more reputable programs who have not failed these Vets, have offered also.” Just today Feb 6th, Masone discovered the Eugene address for a Reveille FoundationPO Box had been vacant for two years. ‘Reveille Foundation lied about having an office and mailbox here and I can't believe the VA or other media did not investigate Reveille Foundation "...said Steven Masone.

For further info call (541) 285-8564

Scam Non-Pfrofit abusing Homless Vterans and Fleecing Veterans Per Diem Program & Veterans Evicted

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Human Rights Group Calls For Oregon State Hospita Salem To Come Clean on Abuses and Negligence in Skye Baskin Death

Oregon Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) Calls for deeper dive into Oregon State Hospital's Involvement in death of Skye Baskin. Oregon’s mental health system may be responsible for a 27-year-old man’s death last month.
Skye Edward Baskin, a Black man who was, according to family members, likely homeless, had been arrested in Roseburg in March for wandering in and out of traffic on the freeway.The Executive Director of the Group, Steven Masone said, "It's like 'One Flew Over The Cukoos Nest' all over again." Masone referred to the Jack Nicholas Movie that was based on a true story at the old State Hospital, now a Museum. " Where there's  smoke, there is fire, and we want transparenncy on illegal forced therapies like ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy. and Psych Drugs meant to control and not treat"
Steven Masone was intrumental in the California Bill AB 1032 in 1976 that outlawed forced ECT when he was previously with CCHR and saw recent cases of patients not being fully informed of their rights and voluntarily agreed to the barbaric procedure. Thus he applied for the open Executive Director position for CCHR Opegon to get action taken involving many Civil Rights complaints atthe Salem  Hospital. Masone is also a member of the RFK Jr team and said " The Secretary of HHS, RFK Jr,  has the authority to shut down any Hospital in the nation." Masone also wants the Autopsy report on Skye Baskin"released ASAP!"

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