Friday, January 3, 2025

Big Pharm and Covid Nazi Euegenisists Using Viper Venom in Vaccnations!


Big Pharm and Covid Nazi Euegenisists Using Viper Venom in Vacinations!

by steven masone

Trained as a Herpatologist (study of reptiles-poisonous snakes-vipers at Jungle Operations Training Center, Canal Zone, School of The Americas. All Vipers are Neuro-toxic affecting nerve sytems including  paralyisis and organ failure if no antivenom antidote given.  

               Believe it or not Here is the Evidence.

        Snake venom-related enzyme underlies COVID-19 mortality

     Published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, has identified a snake venom-related enzyme that may be the key cause of COVID-19 related mortality. Their findings have revealed a brand-new target for potential therapeutic treatments.
  • The role of lipid metabolism in COVID-19
  • Up to 80% of individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 are asymptomatic or develop mild to moderate symptoms. However, COVID-19 can be life-altering and ultimately fatal for the remaining 20%, with multiple organ failure often leading to mortality. Consequently, there is an urgent need to identify the cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for severe COVID-19.
  • Recent studies have suggested that lipid metabolism plays a key role in determining an individual’s response to COVID-19 infection. There is evidence that SARS-CoV-2 modifies the levels of various lipids in host cells. This indicates that severe COVID-19 may be accompanied by phospholipases that cleave intact phospholipids from cellular membranes.
  • The team behind this study investigated this theory by using lipidomic methods to analyse blood samples. Samples were taken from individuals with no disease, mild COVID-19 and severe COVID-19 as well as deceased COVID-19 patients.
  • Identification of key enzyme
  • The analyses showed that deceased COVID-19 patients had the most significant changes to their lipid profile. In total, 181 unique molecules were identified in these patients, many of which were associated with phospholipid metabolism.
  • Further targeted lipidomics revealed that in comparison to survivors, deceased patients had elevated levels of a circulating, catalytically active enzyme called secreted phospholipase AGroup IIA (sPLA2-IIA). Their sPLA2-IIA levels were 9.6-fold higher than in mild patients and 5-fold higher than in severe patients. In addition, high sPLA2-IIA levels were significantly associated with multiple organ dysfunction. This implies that sPLA2-IIA may drive the organ failure seen in fatal COVID-19 cases.
  • The study further demonstrated the importance of sPLA2-IIA through the use of a machine learning method. Out of 80 clinical indices, the algorithm identified sPLA2-IIA level as the key feature that differentiated survivors from non-survivors. This highlights a potential method for identifying COVID-19 patients at high risk of mortality.
  • Here is ingredients fom current flu shots and it is in Covid Vaccinations as a Pastor friend demanded to see and by law theyhad to gave him a copy. *See 4th ingredient fron 1st.

  • Eugenics is the scientifically inaccurate theory that humans can be improved through selective breeding of populations.
  • Eugenicists believed in a prejudiced and incorrect understanding of Mendelian genetics that claimed abstract human qualities (e.g., intelligence and social behaviors) were inherited in a simple fashion. Similarly, they believed complex diseases and disorders were solely the outcome of genetic inheritance.


  • The implementation of eugenics practices has caused widespread harm, particularly to populations that are being marginalized. 
  • Eugenics is not a fringe movement. Starting in the late 1800s, leaders and intellectuals worldwide perpetuated eugenic beliefs and policies based on common racist and xenophobic attitudes. Many of these beliefs and policies still exist in the United States.
  • The genomics communities continue to work to scientifically debunk eugenic myths and combat modern-day manifestations of eugenics and scientific racism, particularly as they affect people of color, people with disabilities and LGBTQ+ individuals.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Some Music Therapy ~ Blues for The Holiday Blues


VA Perverts Busted Having Orgy On Our Dime

 Congressional and internal investigations into sexual misconduct at the Mountain Home VA Medical Center in Tennessee have led to the resignation of several top VA officials as investigators discovered widespread sexual misconduct among employees.

At least 12 officials reportedly had an orgy, potentially at the hospital, though details on the location are still unclear. At least two employees admitted to having sex on the VA hospital property.

This discovery comes after House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Mike Bost (R-Ill.) fired off an August 9, 2024 letter to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Denis McDonough, demanding information regarding “allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and improper interpersonal relationships” at the VA hospital in Johnson City, Tennessee.

“To date, the Biden-Harris administration has not responded to this inquiry. To allow the Committee to fully investigate these disturbing allegations, VA should begin immediately providing answers to this inquiry on a rolling basis,” reads a September 5 Committee on Veterans’ Affairs press release.

“Since Chairman Bost’s first letter to you on this topic, on July 25, 2024, whistleblowers have been in communication with Committee staff and provided further details on the allegations and information regarding additional allegations of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and improper interpersonal relationships at the Mountain Home VA, which facility leadership allegedly did not address properly, that were previously unknown to Committee staff. This new information is extremely disturbing and leads us to believe there may be a serious culture problem at the Mountain Home VA,” the Committee writes in its August letter to VA Secretary McDonough.

Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-TN) and Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) provided comments to local WJHL in August on the investigation of the VA facility in their home state.

Harshbarger told the station, “I support the ongoing investigation led by Chairman Mike Bost and look forward to a timely discovery of the facts and resolution to the issue. Absolutely nothing should stand in the way of our Veterans getting the care that they deserve. My office remains open to all whistleblowers who wish to confidentially share any information regarding misconduct with any agency.”

Blackburn said, “The allegations of sexual harassment and sexual assault at the VA Medical Center in Mountain Home are serious and disgusting, and American taxpayers deserve thorough and immediate answers from the Inspector General’s ongoing investigation. This is not the first time the VA has been the subject of scandal under the Biden-Harris administration, and any responsible parties must be held accountable.”

A Congressional aide familiar with the investigation told Breitbart, “The fact that the culture would even allow this to happen in the first place is absolutely wild and it all starts at the top.”

Per Breitbart:

Congressional investigators discovered that one man who resigned, whose name they would not tell Breitbart News but sources familiar say was a bargaining unit biomedical employee, had dozens of sexual relationships with women who worked at the Mountain Home VA medical center in Tennessee. In fact, the congressional investigators told Breitbart News this one man slept with no fewer than 32 different women who worked there—and the man and several of the women bragged about their exploits on an online group forum on a government communication portal that VA officials use to communicate about veteran healthcare and facility operations.

What’s more, sources familiar with the congressional investigation told Breitbart News they uncovered that an orgy of at least 12 officials who work at the facility took place. It’s unclear at this time whether the orgy happened on government property at the VA facility or off-site—but the mere fact that a dozen of the government workers employed there did this is astounding.

This scandal threatens to upend the closing days of outgoing Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration and could engulf senior officials like VA Secretary Denis McDonough. McDonough was former President Barack Obama’s White House chief of staff for Obama’s second term before Biden later named him to be the VA Secretary in this administration. Former President Donald Trump, now the president-elect again as he won the 2024 presidential election in a landslide, has named former Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA) to lead the VA in his incoming administration. Collins may find serious issues from the Biden administration to clean up on this front as he takes office after he presumably is confirmed by the U.S. Senate early next year.

In addition to the biomedical employee—the man who investigators say had sex with 32 different women who work there—several other officials have also resigned as the investigations have intensified. The director of the Mountain Home facility also resigned, and at least two other employees there have resigned.


                     American Exceptionalism is not dead yet! 

by Steven E. Mason

(reprint Herald Newpaper)

In Europe 2008, the election of Barack Obama has caused many detractors of the U.S. to rethink their anti-Americanism and skewed viewpoint of America. Most of the world is now taken aback by the exceptional and historical election of an African-American to the most powerful leadership position in the world. Many now see that Americans are not the "great Satan some of the Islamic fascists using the race card accuse us with.

"We can no longer say this is just hypocrisy," says Catherine Durandin at the Institute for International and Strategic Relations in Paris. "When Obama walked through the Rose Garden with President Bush, this was no smokescreen. It happened. In no other country in the world is such an election possible."

"The Americans were choosing not just a president, but an identity," says french writer Dominique Moisi. "and that forces us to choose as well. Now we have to define ourselves without resorting to anti-Americanism. That's something new."

Political philosopher Pierre Hassner at Sciences Po in Paris says, "The U.S. is exceptional no matter what it does. for now, the U.S. is more powerful, rich, and well-meaning than others, so can it be an ordinary power? If America were a great power like any other, people in Europe would be very sorry. They want it to be exceptional. I am a Jew who lived under Nazis and communists in Romania. So I say, "Thank God for America.'

While Americans saw "change' over "race', writer Francois Dupaire notes; In the teeming black suburbs of Africans and Arabs, Obama is "lived through as a compensatory myth," he finds. "deprived of any networks, not the sons and daughters of elites, they see the ascent of that son of an African the symbol of social mobility they do not experience."

Our friends in Europe have learned not to misunderstand that the "American Experiment" is not our form of government, rather the form of the pioneer spirit that is infused in the American Psyche, and a courage to meet every challenge with the moral fabric our forefathers instilled in us. Our enemies however continue to underestimate us to their own demise. 

Now we see the honeymoon may be over as North Korea, Iran and other anti-American regimes are back to their ways of provocation and belligerent behavior attempting to cause the U.S. as much grief as possible. Hatred is so ingrained in these enemies of freedom it may never change, only the players. With the educated and civilized world we are now viewed differently except by those who hold to their jealousies and prejudices. Now, in 2020, after 8 years of an unvetted President Barack Obama, his true stripes have shown through as an agent of destruction to the idea of American exceptionalism. None of the European or socialist leaning AntiChrist world wanted American Exceptionalism to survive his presidency, and he did all he could to accommodate them. He embedded communists and Islamic extremists in every area of American government and created a ‘shadow government’ to oppose and impede any conservative party from ever getting power back to undo his traitorous marxist advances never before achieved in American history. We now see the poisoned fruit of the new identity politics his marxist brand has brought us. Instead of being a healing agent for racism to be confronted and made better through positive dialogue and proactive rehabilitation of African-American communities' infrastructure, schools, and economic opportunities. Racism is a heart condition that spiritual application must be utilized to fight hatred and variance. Obama used the typical Marxist playbook to create racial tensions and pit law enforcement against the citizenry by using his media propaganda machine to inflame the African-American community into violence and unproductive rioting and starting open season on police with cop-killing and the burning of their own neighborhoods which have only hurt themselves. Obama is still in his shadow government deep state run attempt to overthrow our elected executive branch of government!

American Exceptionalism is at a crossroads. We can be patient and trust that our conservative led Supreme Court will back legal actions to rout out all the seditionist elements even if it means disbanding and outlawing the Democrat party member of ever holding public office again.

This latest power grab in the guise of a “health crisis” is a panicked response to Attorney General Barr’s investigations that lead to Obama and his leadership who violated so many laws and must be held accountable for their treason. The Deep State will bring the country down before they allow history to record their failed coup attempts. However, the alternative to being patient and believe in the Justice System crafted by our forefathers, as flawed as it may seem, civil war when all of Europe, Asia and the rest of the U.S. hating world ready to give the enemies of freedom all the financial and logistical support they can is not the viable answer. If Russia or China faced what we are facing, they would go to their highest level of alert with their fingers on the nuclear footballs they have at hand. Depending on how much Russia and China have contributed to blood running in our streets being found out, they have every right to believe we may nuke them into the stone age when found out. Even with option 1, letting our court and whatever remnant of our legislature remains after the harsh penalties that so many American institutions have to incur for participating in the coup, we will never be the same. Only a spiritual awakening and national repentance will allow God to heal us and mend our divisions until we no longer can stay his hand of vengeance against this ungodly world. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Homeless and Immigrants Cause TB Spike in America

 Cases of tuberculosis (TB) — an illness that kills more people than any other infectious disease — rose in the U.S. during 2022, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And some doctors are concerned that limitations of testing at the border could be partly to blame for the surge.

In 2021, the disease infected nearly 11 million people and caused 1.6 million deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Tuberculosis is a highly contagious disease caused by a bacterial infection. It primarily affects the lungs, but can also affect the brain, kidneys and spine. 

Required testing may have limitations: CDC

The CDC states that all refugees ages two and older must be tested for tuberculosis before entering the U.S.


"By law, refugees diagnosed with an inadmissible condition are not permitted to depart for the United States until the condition has been treated," the agency states on its website. 

Tuberculosis at border

Some doctors are concerned that limitations of testing at the border could be partly to blame for the rise in tuberculosis cases. (iStock)

The CDC uses its Electronic Disease Notification (EDN) system to notify federal, state and local health departments of any immigrants and refugees who are found to have medical conditions that require follow-up.

There are limitations to that process, however.

"By design, the EDN system only collects information for the approximately 10% of immigrants who have an overseas medical classification," explained Neha Sood, health communication specialist for the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia, in a statement to Dr. Marc Siegel, clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center and a Fox News medical contributor. 

"Human error likely caused some losses, resulting in possible underestimates of immigrants with medical classifications."

"Thus, DHS [Department of Homeland Security] data were used to approximate the immigrant denominators."

There is also some degree of human error that comes into play, Sood added.

"Because data transfer for immigrants during the study period primarily relied on staff at ports of entry to correctly review, retain and route paper forms for each immigrant with a medical classification, human error likely caused some losses, resulting in possible underestimates of immigrants with medical classifications," she said.


While health departments are "encouraged and provided incentives" to share the results of immigrants’ testing with the CDC, Sood said there is always the chance of "underreporting."

She added, "The proportion of immigrants, refugees and eligible others who completed a post-arrival examination might be higher than indicated in this report."

Although the CDC has "comprehensive surveillance systems" to track communicable diseases within the U.S., the agency does not track diseases by immigration status, Sood explained.


Tuberculosis is a highly contagious disease that primarily affects the lungs, but can also affect the brain, kidneys and spine.  (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Linda Yancey, M.D., a specialist in infectious disease who is affiliated with Memorial Hermann Health System in Houston, Texas, said she regularly sees people who have screened positive for the disease and need treatment to prevent developing symptomatic illness.

"Tuberculosis is quite common in Texas, especially in the big cities," she told Fox News Digital. "Houston is an international port of entry, so we get people from TB-endemic areas coming here frequently."

Most of the imported tuberculosis cases seen at Memorial Hermann are among people coming from Africa and the Indian subcontinent, Yancey said. 

"People can be exposed to TB years before they become contagious."

"This is why immigrants coming into the U.S. are screened at the time of entry," she said.

"People can be exposed to TB years before they become contagious," she went on. "By doing early screening, we are able to treat people long before they develop severe pneumonia."


Immigrants who have positive screenings are given three to four months of pills to protect their TB from developing into an illness, Yancey said.

In a 2022 study by the University of Texas, researchers analyzed patterns in tuberculosis patients who had been diagnosed when crossing into the U.S. from the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, which serves as a "migration waypoint."

Homelessness: The Overlooked Public

Health Crisis                 

   American Military University 

By Steven Masone


             December 25, 2022

                              Plagues, TB, and Urban Cities Crisis With Homelessness

History records most of the plague and other epidemics were urban city problems due to overcrowding and contaminated food and water supplies. This is aggravated  by the living conditions that cities typically ignore, and shows we are sitting on a time bomb of several deadly epidemics that homeless camps and even shelters will be ground zero at in many Urban areas here and abroad.  In Los Angeles, in the skid row district, there have been cases of bubonic plague from rats with diseases that are more associated with the middle ages, than with today’s public health’s fight against disease. Typhus, Hepatitis A and Shigella, not to mention tuberculosis and bubonic plague, are on the rise in homeless camps where sanitation is non-existent. This paper will attempt to use the data available to address the coming health crisis if homelessness in Urban areas are not dealt with and solved concerning curbing poor sanitation and infestations of rats and fleas. India statistics show 532K deaths from Covid -19, versus 1.1 million in the USA. USA deaths doubled India deaths. India has almost 4 the population of the USA. Was the population of India more protected by better immune systems, or are there other combined factors fewer died because of covid? Diet has much to do with American’s being 


overweight and unhealthier with the high risk comorbidities that added to our death rate. Could India’s 5% obesity vs US at 41% be a factor to the disparity that is between the death rates?       

Before examining Urban cities in the USA, we will look at Mumbai, India slums in order to first understand how the most TB infected country in the world with an abnormally high drug resistant TB, got to the crisis level they are at. India of course has a caste system that keeps their                                                                                                                                                  

lowest caste of untouchables in slums. While India’s caste system is thousands of years old, it wasn’t until 1950, three years after independence from Britain, did their new secular constitution outlaw discrimination against the Dalit  aka ‘untouchables’. Yet, like in America, minorities still suffer from poverty and lack access to healthy alternatives that keeps them down and in impoverished conditions. Dharavi district in Mumbai are the biggest slums in Asia, and in 1896 had one of the worst epidemics that killed over half of the slum population. Almost 60% of Mumbai’s population live in the slums.                                                                                                                                                

 In America, the states with the largest homeless population are California, Texas,                                                                                                                                             

New York, and Florida. If these states were to have epidemics that caused their economies to crash, (via mass exodus) America would lose her place as the economic leader in the world. Or worse, while crippled, our enemies help with our further destruction via biological warfare. The homeless and crime increase in Portland Oregon, saw 11,000 people move out of Portland in 2020-2021, in just one year. Imagine if an epidemic of bubonic plague (or other deadly disease) from unsanitary conditions broke out there. 

                                      Antimicrobial Resistance in India’s Environment                                   3           

The world saw the speed that Covid-19 spread into all the world recently. There was no vaccine or proven viral treatment to stop the pandemic that brought the world to lock itself down. A Super-MTB outbreak resistant to antibiotics would spread faster as symptoms could take weeks before someone gets sick and diagnosed, and all that time infecting others, will prove to be catastrophic to world health. According to the World Health Organization and the CDC, India’s                                                                                                                                                     

high rate of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) contributes to one-fourth of the world's overall rate. So, considering India’s the most populated nation in the world, antibiotics in the water system and agricultural products people eat, the perfect storm is on the horizon. One would have thought poorer countries did not use antibiotics as much as the more developed countries do, but India’s data on how much they use is not available. However,  a CDC report states; “Antibiotic-resistant pathogens and their genes have been found in (India) streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. They can often be traced back to discharge flowing from hospitals, farms, or sewage systems. Even properly functioning wastewater treatment systems may not fully remove resistant pathogens and their genes.” The TB pathogen has mutated its DNA to fight the antibiotics                                                                                                                                                             

are trying to kill it. India statistics show 532K deaths from Covid -19, versus 1.1 million in the USA. USA deaths doubled India deaths. India has almost 4 x the population of the USA. Was the population of India more protected by better immune systems, or are there other combined factors fewer died because of covid? Diet has much to do with American’s being overweight and unhealthier with the high risk comorbidities that added to our death rate. Could India’s 5% obesity vs US at 41% be a factor to the disparity that is between the death rates? 

                                                 The New American Slums                                           4

As a young boy I often would travel through a skid row area in the cities I lived in. One such area was the Tenderloin District in San Francisco. Low income elderly lived in the low income apartments, and the homeless stayed in shelters at night, and sought their alcohol and drugs on the streets until checking back in shelters at night. The homeless were not allowed to loiter on streets during business hours. Now the homeless defecate on the streets and sidewalks without interference.   

The common denominator between the Mumbai slum and homeless slum-like camps of the homeless in America is the way pathogens pass their infectious disease to others. If obesity makes Covid-19 more deadly, then an infection like TB that attacks the lungs, and is resistant to antibiotics, will wreak havoc where Covid-19 and Omicron also are weakening the immune systems of those at high health risks. Pneumonia resistant to antibiotics will further complicate a recovery from ‘ multidrug-resistant tuberculosis’ (MDR-TB). Obviously the infestations of rodent populations with fleas spreading TB. This is called the chain of infection, and it has six paths of spreading into a community. I have worked with the homeless for over 30 years and have helped house over 400 homeless veterans into permanent homes. The Urban homeless camps, shelters, and extreme weather shelters are mis-managed by too many disorganized  Non-profits and have created a co-dependency between the homeless getting the help they need, and the non-profits getting the grant money they want. If a shelter has too many rules, like no drug use, threats of violence, no leaving to smoke cigarettes, and open and closing hours are better at another Non-Profit shelter, the one with the fewest homeless gets the least financial grants to pay their staff , especially top managers.


             Tenderloin circa 1980’s                          

Tenderloin 2021   



So, they all let the “inmates run the asylum.”  Back-packs are not checked for weapons and contraband, and sexual assaults happen frequently in these extreme weather shelters where the sleeping areas are co-ed. Drug dealers check in to sell their poison and leave when sold out. Shooting up heroin in the bathrooms without cleaning up their blood and body fluids is a nightly ritual. Overdoses are common. Predators, robbers, thieves, and violent mentally ill persons terrorize the innocent homeless whose paths they cross daily. Portland's downtown area has always had a problem with rats as most Urban Port Cities do. According to an expert report, rats have increased 400% in the last 5 years, and the only pest control the city is doing is setting traps. One report claims they have only 60 traps set for the entire city, and they do not use poison. While homeless people move in and out from city to city, their growth fluctuates. The Metro Portland area has an estimated 10,000 homeless. With the economy in recession and inflation on the rise, the homeless growth obviously is going to cause a spurt in more people 


losing housing. Behind much of the causes of homelessness is substance abuse, and the crime that goes with addicts committing thefts to pay for their drugs. In 2015, the Bubonic Plague exploded in cases recording 5x’s the average yearly case rate. No one knows what caused the increase. Rural wilderness places like Yosemite Park in California have rodents that carry the plague and cases typically are found there. However, more and more cases cannot be traced to its origins. Unlike Mumbai, Portland Oregon Homeless Fortunately have access to cleaner water. Unfortunately, Portland has high levels of Antibiotic Resistant genes in its water like all of the nation has. Mumbai (Bombay) had a bubonic pneumonic plague outbreak in 1994 that caused much controversy as many claimed it was not the plague, when other scientists insisted it was.                                                                                                                                         The last extreme weather shelter I worked at was plagued by an upper respiratory virus. Hundreds had caught this disease and staff were calling in sick to the point we did not have enough to operate safely. This had happened in the midst of the early break out of Covid 19. The average age of those in the shelter was 25-35. History shows many government agency’s  responses to crises do so in a ‘knee jerk’ clumsy fashion if there are no templates that were used to have concrete plans and policies with efficacious proven science to act quickly and gain trust from the panicked public.              

                       Pneumonia caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis                      

Resistant Antibiotics also inhibit the efficacy of the treatment for pneumonia, one of the most prevalent upper respiratory afflictions in the Homeless population. Previously in this paper we looked at the obesity in America perhaps a reason causing more deaths to Covid-19 than in India which has 4x the population. Obesity, naturally, is not rampant in the homeless population. However, poor nutrition and unsanitary conditions is, and can cause immune systems to be at 



risk to some of the same dangers of obesity. India was chosen for this paper because until 1950, they were a British Colony/Territory that occupied India as the British did to the American Colony. As the UK began Age is a factor as India's average age is 26.8 years, while the US is 38.5 and Brazil is 33.2 years, as of late 2020. link. Among other Southern Asian nations, Pakistan has an average age of 22 years and Bangladesh, 27.9 years. However, a younger age average of around 10% less than the USA average still does not explain India being 4 x more populated than the US, but suffering half the amount of deaths that India did. Other than a breakthrough in genetics, an effective Vaccine for the most deadly form of TB is not as effective as hoped. Vaccination is the most cost-effective public health interventions. The only available vaccine against TB, is Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), and it provides very limited protection                                                                                                                                                   against pulmonary TB, the most prevalent and contagious form of the disease. Poverty is where this dilemma may be solved if research does not find more specific epidemiological causation factors. In America, there is no doubt the homeless and the mentally ill among them, with substance abuse, Hep-A-B & C, HIV and sharing breathing spaces, are among the poorest groups in America. Because of the crime against each other, and outside violent offenders threatening the weaker homeless, a new strategy of small groups 10-20 living together in giant makeshift tents and structures so “safety in numbers” protects them more, we can see bad things come from this shift in the homeless culture .This shift to large inclosed spaces could spark outbreaks of not only MDR-TB, but also other respiratory infections that will depress their immune systems. The saving grace of why we haven’t seen worse health conditions among the homeless is that they get out into the community to collect cans & bottles or whatever they do to support their drug habits everyday. One of the main reasons (other than addictions) it is hard to get homeless into 


treatment is their “Hustle.” Their ‘hustle’ is routinely collecting cans, panhandling, etc. They are just as addicted to their routine hustle as they are the actual high from drugs. Any successful treatment should include understanding what they do to survive is their job, and that is a last vestige of their view of self worth. Substituting survival mode actions into a treatment plan is essential for breaking the “tape” that is running in their heads that they must ‘hustle’ or not survive. If they lose their job, it has to be replaced with a new one.                                              

 Many homeless sleeping together in limited breathing spaces may change the dynamics for the worse. Cities are building giant tent shelters for asylum seekers all over the country. These immigrants have not been thoroughly medically cleared, and as many will become part of the homeless population, which will exacerbate the potential spread of bugs and illnesses from                                                                                                                                                          

around the world. The great “melting pot” may bring more health issues and dangers than anyone can forecast. Another upside to our public health position post-pandemic, is that we now sanitize our hands and are maintaining most of the protocols we found successful in fighting the Covid-19 virus. Older people are much more proactive in staying in touch with primary physicians and adjusting their diets and anything that helps improve their immunity.

                        ( Below example of group tents in Portland, Or)


                                                 Civilian Stand Downs?                                                         9                                                                     

Veteran Stand Downs are usually annual events where VA staff and volunteers provide food, clothing, legal matters handled, health screenings, for homeless and at-risk Veterans.Veterans housing solutions, employment, substance abuse treatment, mental health counseling and many other services are available.This template has worked for years in the homeless veteran population, and can be very effective for the general homeless population with a few adjustments and tailored for specific environments in urban to rural areas. While there is no direct evidence I found showing obesity and poor diet of Americans caused more Covid-19 deaths, than India’s, does not mean evidence will not be found. The UK and USA, with most of our genetics coming from our three major European migrations, are the top nations with highest deaths from pandemic. India is third highest but 4x the population of the US. Somewhere in this mix is a correlation point of genetic or biological reason India’s deaths were lower even though the cases were close in number. We have several ideas of where the virus came from, and the Asian locales may have an answer why a south asian country like India might have a stronger immunity  against indigenous animals that can infect humans. History tells us time and time again how a new pathogen to a new world can kill hundreds of thousands or millions. Most likely to occur in our homeless camps if we don’t act soon. It will be expensive to health-check most homeless populations, but too costly if we don’t. 





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